Thursday, June 18, 2009

Next Generation Technology

Have you ever thought about how primitive we really are? Let's take a look at the kinds of technology we could have.


The human brain emits and uses electrical waves. So why do we need to use cell phones (mobiles) and other electronic devices in the same way that cave men used pieces of flint as manual tools? There should be no need for buttons or switches on electronic devices nor should there be computer monitors, displays or, television screens.

All a person needs is to wear a plastic band on their head. That band will decipher what the person wants by their brain waves and will then access the information or image and put it into their brain by the same kind of waves. The person will thus see a web site like a dream or mirage with no screen needed. We will need a little practice at using our thoughts to turn things on and off but no more than is necessary for using the functions on an iphone.


We are able to put together the history of our solar system just by carefully observing it. We know that each atom is actually a solar system also with electrons revolving around the central nucleus. We should be able to do the same thing with each atom by carefully studying the placement of it's orbital electrons.

Hidden in the paths of the electrons in orbit is a history of everywhere the atom has ever been and ever done. This is simply because everything that has ever happened to an atom has had some effect on it's electron orbitals. We just need to learn to decipher that.

For example, light that hits atoms should leave some imprint in slight adjustment of the electron orbits. This means that when we become proficient enough, anything can act as a camera. We could place a scanner against the side of a pyramid to carefully measure the orbitals in each atom in the stone. Then we could glean an actual video of ancient Egyptians building the pyramid.


Why can we not make anything from anything else? We could scan the arrangements of atoms in a blueberry pie onto a computer disk. We could then place the equivalent atoms in a special chamber and have the atoms arrange themselves into an identical blueberry pie. If we got really proficient, we could scan the sub-atomic particles of the blueberry pie and so would not even need to have the same kind of atoms to make the pie.

Such copy technology would also enable people to travel between stations at the speed of light. You would step into a transportation chamber and a scan would be made of your body. The information would travel by internet or radio waves to a distant station where your body would be recreated from a different set of atoms. Your "essence", your spirit, memory and, intellect, would then be placed in the your new body.

If you are wondering if you would really be "you" if you had an identical body made of different atoms, the answer is yes. The atoms in your body are continually in transition and you may contain few, if any, of the atoms that you had a year ago. Your "old" body would be recycled for it's atoms to be used by a traveller in the opposite direction. It is true that something might go wrong when you go to be transported but the same is true when you board a plane to be transported.


Energy should not even be an issue. It should be as available as air. There is energy in everything unless it is at a temperature of absolute zero and perfectly at rest. We should be able to draw all the energy we need out of anything, anywhere. It is just that we are still on the same thought track that we were on as cavemen. 


The most important physical fact in the universe is that there are two electric charges, which we term negative and positive. Like charges mutually repel, while opposite charges attract. This is the foundation of the universe, and all other facts are mere details in comparison with this one.

In my cosmological theory, everything is composed of infinitesimal electric charges. When we have a pattern of alternating charges, negative and positive forming a multi-dimensional checkerboard, we have space. Any other arrangement of the electrical charges gives us matter, instead of space.

Movement of the electrical charges in matter affect those in the adjoining space, setting up an electromagnetic wave. It is not that the wave itself is electromagnetic, it is just that the wave reveals the underlying electromagnetism of space by disturbing the prefect arrangement of alternating charges.

It appears that there is no net electrical charge to the universe, the total number of negative and positive charges ends up as exactly equal. There also seems to be no variation whatsoever between one like charge and another, no internal structure or factors whatsoever. The charges must always balance out, they will induce new charges into being if they don't. This makes it seem as if the charges that compose both the space and matter of the universe originated as a part of some pre-universe structure that has since been "trying" to reassemble itself.

Of course, the designation of negative and positive that we have given these electrical charges is entirely arbitrary. they could just as easily have been designated as the night and day charges. They tend to pair up and do not usually operate independently for long.

In trying to learn all that we can about the universe, we come up against these charges as the most basic of building blocks. Everything that we are and everything that we know are composed of these electrical charges. We cannot see anything that is not composed of these charges, and this puts strict limitations on us understanding what the charges really are. Gaining such an understanding, beyond merely seeing how the charges behave, would truly be the ultimate in science.

The ultimate in technology would be to gain the ability to manipulate and exchange these charges. If we could do that, we could make anything out of anything else, or out of empty space for that matter. We could also make any matter disappear into empty space. We could divide a pile of garbage in half, turn one side into antimatter by reversing the charges, then reap a fantastic amount of energy as the two halves mutually annihilated when brought into contact.

But we are limited by what we are and what we have. Any equipment that we can construct must necessarily be made of these electrical charges, and that puts a limit on us building anything that can manipulate the charges. We cannot look further into the two electrical charges because they are already as fundamental as we can get. An electron, for example, appears to be a mere point of negative charge with no internal structure whatsoever and so cannot be dissected further.

As it turns out, it is not entirely impossible to manipulate and exchange electrical charges. Black holes in the universe are concentrations of matter, bound together by gravity, that are so dense that not even light can escape the gravity. Hence, we can detect black hole not by direct observation but only by observation of it's gravitational effects on the surrounding area.

But it is known that black holes actually do give off radiation and gradually decay. This seems to be mystifying but, as I explained in "Black Holes And Antimatter" on the cosmology blog , this is easily explained by my cosmological theory.

If super extreme pressure is put on electrical charges, forcing like charges together and pushing unlike charges apart, the charges will actually begin to migrate so that negative becomes positive and vice versa. But when this happens, we have matter turning into antimatter. We know that when matter and antimatter are brought into contact that they mutually destruct and give off a burst of energy.

Antimatter is the same thing as ordinary matter, except that the charges are reversed. Instead of electrons, antimatter has positively charged particles, called positrons, in orbitals around a negatively-charged nucleus that is the opposite of matter. There is now far more matter than antimatter in the universe. If you saw a galaxy in space composed of antimatter, you probably could not tell the difference just by observation.

In my theory, the negative and positive charges that composed the matter and antimatter literally rearrange themselves into the alternating checkerboard pattern of empty space. The burst of energy released is a redirection of the energy in the Big Bang that put the matter and antimatter together in the first place. This ideally explains why black holes both give off radiation and gradually decay, because matter is being turned into antimatter by charge migration brought about by the extreme pressure inside and then the two are mutually annihilating each other.

The trouble is that the pressure inside these black holes in space is far beyond anything that we know on earth. Even the tremendous pressure in the center of the sun, which is enough to crunch smaller atoms together into larger ones, is nowhere near what it would take to make charges migrate so that we could exchange and work with them.

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